Home Weather Crawford Alerts Programs Links Utilities About Us Emergency Numbers Tornado Siren Map  A Tornado Siren is intended to warn you if you are outside.  They are not designed to notify you of a tornado if you are inside your home.  It is recommended that homeowners purchase an ALL Hazards NOAA Weather Radio, preferably one that has S.A.M.E. Technology.  An indoor Weather Radio augments the outdoor warning sirens to give you the best protection.
Tornado Siren Map  A Tornado Siren is intended to warn you if you are outside.  They are not designed to notify you of a tornado if you are inside your home.  It is recommended that homeowners purchase an ALL Hazards NOAA Weather Radio, preferably one that has S.A.M.E. Technology.  An indoor Weather Radio augments the outdoor warning sirens to give you the best protection. Menu