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Responsibilities of Crawford County EMA

The primary responsibility of the Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security is to provide professional mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery services that save lives, reduce injuries and economic loss, and enhance recovery from disasters. On a day-to-day basis the EMA has the responsibility to: Coordinate, update, and monitor the County 9-1-1 System. Provide support and administration during hazardous materials incidents. Serve as the emergency coordination and public information arm of the Crawford County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). Continue updating and developing the County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Identify mitigation activities that lessen the effects of disaster on people and property. Maintain the established written contract to provide Emergency Management Services to every city, village and township in the county. Plan, conduct, and critique exercises/mock disasters that test the EOP using a variety of hazards and scenarios. Train responders, volunteers, elected officials, business and industry, schools, or anyone charged with responsibility before, during and after a disaster. Coordinate response and recovery activities during an emergency or disaster, either as a member of the on-site incident command team or from a central location called an Emergency Operations Center. Serve as coordination point for federal disaster relief programs. Locate, monitor and manage emergency resources. Educate the public about actions to take before a disaster occurs, disseminate warnings information and other critical information during a disaster and release information about recovery activities after a disaster.
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Responsibilities of Crawford

County EMA

The primary responsibility of the Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security is to provide professional mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery services that save lives, reduce injuries and economic loss, and enhance recovery from disasters. On a day-to-day basis the EMA has the responsibility to: Coordinate, update, and monitor the County 9-1- 1 System. Provide support and administration during hazardous materials incidents. Serve as the emergency coordination and public information arm of the Crawford County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). Continue updating and developing the County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Identify mitigation activities that lessen the effects of disaster on people and property. Maintain the established written contract to provide Emergency Management Services to every city, village and township in the county. Plan, conduct, and critique exercises/mock disasters that test the EOP using a variety of hazards and scenarios. Train responders, volunteers, elected officials, business and industry, schools, or anyone charged with responsibility before, during and after a disaster. Coordinate response and recovery activities during an emergency or disaster, either as a member of the on-site incident command team or from a central location called an Emergency Operations Center. Serve as coordination point for federal disaster relief programs. Locate, monitor and manage emergency resources. Educate the public about actions to take before a disaster occurs, disseminate warnings information and other critical information during a disaster and release information about recovery activities after a disaster.